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Brainstorm Blog 1 - Project 1

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

In an attempt to brainstorm my zine I fall deeper into a feeling of imposter-syndrome as an artist, but as of recently I've broken away from this feeling. A recent artistic endeavor allowed me to rediscover my sense of creativity and self expression - there are many forms and several options to discover and that's something I would like to hone in on. Artistic self expression comes in many forms, whether physical, digital, metaphorical, or visual. My recent creative exploration took the form of rug tufting, where I started out with a sketch, built it up in photoshop using image altering methods, then projecting it onto a canvas and getting to work. My first attempt I worked on it for about 15 hours before tearing a big hole in the material, forcing me to start over - I eventually finished it after more painstaking time working. The final product came out great and reflecting upon the process I realized I was back on track to rediscovering my creative side. My goal for this zine is to reintroduce that idea of self expression through creativity, through whatever outlet that fits, from painting to sketching to rug tufting!

I've always leant toward the more black and white aesthetic, utilizing few muted colors where I seem fit, for my zine, a lack of color may be something I use to my advantage, putting color emphasis on the subject of the image or page - contrasting and revealing its importance.

Running Themes:


Creative processes


“The hole”

Getting over artists block

Idea Generation

Bare bones

Growth process

Technical vs freeform work

Mixed media

Artists rebirth


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